Drug Science podcast #32: A brave, compassionate initiative to provide drug consumption rooms in Glasgow.

In this Drug Science podcast, Professor David Nutt interviews the inspiring Peter Krykant. The podcast description states "Peter Krykant previously used intravenous drugs whilst living homeless in Birmingham. His lived experience has shown him the benefits of drug consumption rooms; to prevent the spread of bloodborne diseases and protect people who use drugs from accidental overdose.

Seven weeks ago, Peter set up the first UK drug consumption room which attracted the attention of the BBC and the local police force. Scotland’s Lord Advocate and the Chief Constable of Police Scotland has made it clear that such activities violate national law. However, the local police force has not intervened with Peter’s operation.

Peter is advocating to expand these services to multiple localities with the inclusion of trained medical professionals at each site. This intervention offers a unique insight to gather observational data on UK intravenous drug use. It could be the stepping stone needed to tackle the increasing number of UK drug-related deaths." To support this courageous, compassionate venture further please donate at their website Safe Consumption Glasgow.


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