Is the high cost of psychedelic therapy worth it?

This helpful article in Lucid News comment: "Psychedelic treatments are right around the corner. If everything goes right, MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD will be FDA approved by the end of 2024. Similarly, psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression might see approval by 2026.  Who will pay for these treatments? Unlike an antidepressant, psychedelics will not be a take-home treatment. Compared to traditional talk therapy, the hours invested upfront will be much higher. Will insurance companies pay for psychedelic-assisted therapies?  In this column I will examine the costs and benefits of psychedelic-assisted therapy, look at ketamine for depression as a comparator, and show that the economic case for PAT to be less certain than many believe."

For more psychedelic news and research, visit the psychedelic health professional network homepage.


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