LSD and the importance of changes in the cerebral blood supply: from expanded states of consciousness to new therapeutic interventions

Amanda Fielding of the Beckley Foundation gave a talk at the recent ICPR conference in Haarlem. The full text is available on the Beckley website stating "In September 2022, Amanda presented the Beckley Foundation’s new Double-Headed Research Programme at ICPR 2022 in Haarlem, the Netherlands, and laid out the theoretical underpinnings of new research into the effects of psychedelics on brain blood flow, and a case study that led her to design a clinical study investigating the therapeutic potential of LSD microdosing on Alzheimer’s Disease. Her talk was widely praised and received a standing ovation."

For more psychedelic news and research, visit the psychedelic health professional network homepage.


The expanding scope of psychedelics as medicines


Race and ethnicity moderate the associations between lifetime psychedelic use (MDMA and psilocybin) and psychological distress and suicidality