Menstrual Changes and Reversal of Amenorrhea Induced by Classic Psychedelics: A Case Series

Although a very small study, this interesting paper reports on the positive effect psychedelics on menstruation. This interview study (n=3) examines menstrual changes after using classical psychedelics. It finds 1) resumption of menstruation, 2) earlier menstruation, and 3) improved menstrual regularity. A possible underlying mechanism is the (in)direct effects of 5-HT2a agonism on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. In this paper, the authors report the histories of three women with menstrual changes observed following classic psychedelics, including induction of early menses and resumption of menses following amenorrhea. They discuss possible mechanisms and discuss earlier case reports.


There has been little research on the effects of psychedelics on menstrual and reproductive function, though anecdotal evidence suggests that these compounds may have striking effects on menstrual function in at least a subset of users. Social media and word of mouth were used to seek out individuals who had a history of changes in menstrual function following psychedelic use. Case histories were elicited from three respondents following informed consent. A literature search on the effects of classic psychedelics and related compounds was completed. Three women ranging from 27 to 34 years of age were interviewed and reported three distinct phenomena following the use of classic psychedelics: 1) resumption of menses following amenorrhea, 2) early onset of menses, in particular when psychedelics were used in the mid to late luteal period, and 3) improved menstrual regularity in a woman with irregular cycles who was eventually diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. The mechanisms behind these effects remain unclear, though they may be mediated via direct or indirect effects of 5-HT2A agonism on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Although phenomena related to menstrual and reproductive function have been largely overlooked in the psychedelic literature to date, these effects may have therapeutic utility and warrant further study.

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