Mind Medicine Australia submits Australian-first application for the rescheduling of psilocybin and MDMA

Mind Medicine Australia "has submitted Australia’s first applications to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to reschedule Psilocybin and MDMA so that they can be more easily used as part of clinical therapies for the treatment of major classes of mental illness ...  The changes proposed by Mind Medicine Australia will not affect existing legal prohibitions on the recreational use or supply of these substances. If successful, Australia will become the first country in the world to reschedule these substances for their therapeutic potential.  The rescheduling will enable psychiatrists and specialist addiction physicians to more easily access these medicines to augment therapy for patients suffering from key mental illnesses such as depression, PTSD and for the depression and anxiety often associated with a terminal illness diagnosis (and hopefully in the future for substance abuse, OCD, anorexia and early stage dementia). It will also relieve a significant part of the regulatory burden associated with undertaking trials with these medicines in Australia ...  Mind Medicine Australia is encouraging people to lodge submissions with the TGA in support of our rescheduling submissions. The rescheduling of these medicines will help to expand the treatment paradigm for mental illnesses in this country and be a historic moment for all of us! Please see the rescheduling applications and a simple guideline document on how to make submissions here: https://mindmedicineaustralia.org/tga/".


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