New program brings ketamine-assisted psychotherapy to Canadian vets.
Lucid News reports "For many veterans of war, the battle continues even after they’ve returned home from combat. The Veterans Affairs Canada website estimates that up to 10% of their warzone veterans will suffer from PTSD or another mental health affliction, and are 14-19% more likely than the general Canadian population to commit suicide, according to their 2019 Veteran Sucide Report. While both medications and therapeutic interventions are available for this condition, they haven’t proven very effective.
To address this, the Canadian-based psychedelic mental health provider Field Trip Health Ltd. announced a partnership with Heroic Hearts, a nonprofit which pairs veterans with psychedelic therapy. Under the partnership, Heroic Hearts will educate veterans about the benefits of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, and recommend them towards the ketamine treatments of Field Trip Basecamp, a Field Trip offshoot which delivers KAP+, or Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy-plus, to veterans and first responders."