Personal psychedelic experience as a training qualification for facilitators: A thematic analysis of qualitative interviews with psilocybin experts

The abstract of this Journal of Psychoactive Drugs paper reads: "Emerging legal frameworks in Oregon and Colorado license facilitators to support adults receiving psychedelic services. The current legal frameworks are silent regarding facilitators’ personal experience with psychedelics. An e-Delphi process recruited 36 experts with at least 5 years’ experience facilitating psilocybin experiences in ceremonial settings, indigenous practices, or clinical trials. Respondents completed in-depth, semi-structured qualitative interviews via secure web links. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Experts with a mean of 15.2 (SD 13.1) years’ experience providing psilocybin services expressed the importance of first-hand experience with psychedelics as a qualification for the emerging workforce. One participant questioned the necessity of personal psychedelic experience. Experts suggested that personal experience may indirectly support high-quality care because it enhances facilitators’ personal wellbeing, and may help facilitators understand the complexity and nature of their clients’ psychedelic experiences. Novel state-legal psychedelic paradigms create a real-world opportunity to assess associations between facilitators’ personal psychedelic experience and the safety and outcomes of psychedelic services."

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