PHP psychedelics & music playlist retreat

This six-day, two-ceremony PHP retreat runs from Monday 18th to Saturday 23rd September in the Netherlands. We will use legal psilocybin truffles in the classic, tried & tested, lying listening to a carefully chosen music playlist format. PHP has run many of these wonderful retreats now and participants consistently rate them as deeply precious, heart-opening, fascinating, rich experiences. We start with a moderate dose of psilocybin to give everyone a chance to assess their response. This means that at the second ceremony a couple of days later, participants can make a much more informed choice about what dose of psilocybin truffles is likely to work best for them. The support of the experienced, compassionate facilitators ... the quiet rural setting ... and the warmth & companionship of fellow retreatants all combine to make it likely that this will be one of the most memorable experiences of one's life, full of rich & helpful learning. This year we are still able to keep cost to probably the 'best value' psychedelic retreat that is currently available. Jump in soon. Sadly we will need to raise our prices next year. Cost is £1,950 and for more details visit the PHP website Retreats page.

For more psychedelic news and research, visit the psychedelic health professional network homepage.


Slouching towards engagement: interactions between people using psychedelics naturalistically and their healthcare providers


PHP psychedelics & meditation retreat