Psilocybin Alpha's free 100-page report: Psychedelics 2021
Josh Hardman of the excellent Psilocybin Alpha writes of this very interesting, freely downloadable PDF: "This report includes - * A deep dive into psychedelic drug policy reform efforts and successes in 2021, with a focus on key jurisdictions including the U.S. and Canada. * A look at key research and clinical trials that were published in 2021, with analysis of themes like microdosing and SSRI interactions. * Coverage of investments into both public and private psychedelics ventures in 2021, with thematic analysis and a look at key company highlights. * An overview of psychedelics in popular culture last year, plus a discussion of just two controversies that erupted in 2021. * In the final section we share the key trends we will be following as we look ahead to 2022. There's no two ways about it: this is a text-heavy long-read: apologies in advance for those that prefer their media diet to be a little more visual. But, readers should find light relief in the occasional chart, graph and case study."
For more psychedelic news and research, visit the psychedelic health professional network homepage.