Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for treatment resistant depression: A randomized clinical trial evaluating repeated doses of psilocybin
In Canada's first clinical trial of psilocybin, the authors write: "Summary Background Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy (PAP) has been associated with antidepressant effects. Trials to date have typically excluded participants with complex presentations. Our aim was to determine the feasibility of PAP in a complex population, including high levels of treatment resistance in major depressive and bipolar disorder and patients with baseline suicidality and significant comorbidity. We also evaluated flexible repeated doses over a 6-month period. Methods Adults with treatment-resistant depression as part of major depressive or bipolar II disorder without psychosis or a substance use disorder were eligible to participate. Subjects were randomized to immediate treatment or waitlist control, with all eventually receiving PAP. Participants had one, two, or three psilocybin sessions with a fixed dose of 25 mg. Each dose was accompanied by preparation and integration psychotherapy sessions. Acceptability, safety, tolerability, and efficacy were evaluated (this study was registered at NCT05029466). Findings Participants were randomized to immediate treatment (n = 16) or delayed treatment (n = 14). 29/30 were retained to the week-2 primary endpoint. Adverse events were transient, with no serious adverse events. Greater reductions in depression severity as measured by the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) were observed in the immediate treatment arm compared to the waitlist period arm with a large hedge’s g effect size of 1.07 (p < 0.01). Repeated doses were associated with further reductions in MADRS scores compared to baseline. Conclusions PAP was feasible in complex patients with preliminary antidepressant efficacy and adequate safety and tolerability. Repeated doses were associated with greater reductions in depression severity." See too commentary at New evidence for flexible psilocybin dosing in patients with treatment-resistant depression.
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