Psilocybin: From psychiatric pariah to perceived panacea

The authors of this fairly 'robust' paper write: "Objective: The authors critically examine the evidence base for psilocybin administered with psychological support/therapy (PST) in the treatment of psychiatric disorders and offer practical recommendations to guide future research endeavors. Methods: PubMed was searched for English-language articles from January 1998 to November 2023, using the search term “psilocybin.” A total of 1,449 articles were identified and screened through titles and abstracts. Of these, 21 unique open-label or randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were identified that examine psilocybin for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (N=2), anxiety/depression associated with a cancer diagnosis (N=5), major depressive disorder (MDD; N=8), substance use disorders (N=4), anorexia (N=1), and demoralization (i.e., hopelessness, helplessness, and poor coping) in AIDS survivors (N=1). Results: The most developed evidence base is for the treatment of MDD (three double-blind RCTs with positive signals spanning a range of severities). However, the evidence is tempered by threats to internal and external validity, including unsuccessful blinding, small samples, large variability in dosing and PST procedures, limited sample diversity, and possibly large expectancy effects. Knowledge of mechanisms of action and predictors of response is currently limited. Conclusions: The evidence is currently insufficient to recommend psilocybin with PST as a psychiatric treatment. Additional rigorously designed clinical trials are needed to definitively establish efficacy in larger and more diverse samples, address dosing considerations, improve blinding, and provide information on mechanisms of action and moderators of clinical response. Head-to-head comparisons with other evidence-based treatments will better inform the potential future role of psilocybin with PST in the treatment of major psychiatric disorders."

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