Psychedelics for the treatment of psychiatric disorders: Interpreting and translating available evidence and guidance for future research

Here's a thoughtful overview from the Am J Psychiatry with its abstract reading: "During the past decade, there has been extraordinary public, media, and medical research interest in psychedelics as promising therapeutics for difficult-to-treat psychiatric disorders. Short-term controlled trial data suggest that certain psychedelics are effective and safe in the treatment of major depressive disorder, treatment-resistant depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Preliminary evidence also supports efficacy in other psychiatric disorders (e.g., tobacco and alcohol use disorders). Notwithstanding the interest and promise of psychedelics, concerns have arisen with respect to the interpretability and translatability of study results. For example, aspects related to short- and long-term safety, abuse liability, and the essentiality of the psychedelic “trip” and psychological support are, inter alia, insufficiently characterized with psychedelic agents. The overarching aims in this overview are 1) to review methodological aspects that affect inferences and interpretation of extant psychedelic studies in psychiatric disorders, and 2) to provide guidance for future research and development of psychedelic treatment in psychiatry, critical to study interpretation and clinical implementation."

For more psychedelic news and research, visit the psychedelic health professional network homepage.


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