Rejecting ecstasy: Ben Malcolm's response
Ben Malcolm, the so-called Spirit Pharmacist, usually talks very good sense. Here he responds to the FDA's rejection of Lykos's new drug application for MDMA. He comments: "I wanted to put together an article and video explaining my perspective on the FDA's recent decision of not approve MDMA-assisted therapy for the treatment of PTSD (at least at this time). You can read more on my point of view below and click the text here, picture above, or button below to watch the accompanying video. I have to admit that I'm both disappointed with the FDA's decision and the way that protocol violations were handled by MAPS/Lykos researchers when it came to discussions with regulators and disclosure of what had occurred. I wish MDMA-assisted therapy was approved and feel the FDA could have taken that route. I also respect and feel I can empathize with their position to not cut any corners themselves in this situation."
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