Schedule 1 barriers to research in the UK: An in-depth qualitative analysis
The authors of this free full-text paper write: "Background There is increasing research to suggest that certain Schedule 1 drugs, most notably psychedelics, can be effective in treating a range of mental health disorders. However, due to several practical, financial, and bureaucratic barriers, there is a lack of large-scale trials into their efficacy. This study aimed to explore the barriers, and any facilitators, to undertaking Schedule 1 research through examining the different positions Schedule 1 and other controlled drug researchers place themselves in, and the impact this has on their experiences. Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 participants. Eight Schedule 1 researchers and four researchers who conduct other controlled drug research. Participants were recruited via purposive and snowball sampling. Interview questions explored how participants’ experiences of controlled drug research were impacted by scheduling laws, and how they might differ from the other group. Results Using discourse analysis, four themes were identified. Three themes differentiated the two groups of researchers and their positions (differential burden of duties, the importance of privileges, and motivations); the differential burden of duties acted as a barrier to non-Schedule 1 researchers, whereas Schedule 1 researchers were better able to deal with this burden due to higher levels of motivation and more privileges (facilitating Schedule 1 research). One theme suggested solidarity between the groups; others acted as barriers to Schedule 1 research, with government officials preventing changes to drug legislation, and those lacking scientific understanding being discriminatory, causing difficulties getting Schedule 1 projects started. Conclusion Findings highlight the challenges that Schedule 1 researchers are currently facing and suggest that the government should commission an urgent review into this by the Advisory Council on the Misuse on the Misuse of Drugs to make Schedule 1 research process smoother and more accessible. For example, reducing the barriers to research of Schedule 1 substances so as to be in line with the regulations controlling those in Schedule 2."
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