Spiritual Well-Being Among Users and Non-Users of Psychedelics: A Cross-Sectional Study

A new and relatively large survey on the spiritual well-being of psychedelic users and non-users has been published. This cross-sectional survey (n=517) assessed the psychometric properties of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) concerning existential well-being (EWB) and religious well-being (RWB). The study found that the RWB factor exhibited superior psychometric indices for validity, group discrimination, and reliability, showing a U-shaped pattern in the association between psychedelics and spiritual well-being, where non-users and frequent users had higher RWB and EWB indices than occasional users.


“This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) in a Brazilian sample. We analyzed spiritual well-being, defined as existential well-being (EWB) and religious well-being (RWB), among individuals with varying religious and spiritual experiences, both users and non-users of psychedelics. The online cross-sectional survey was conducted in Brazil, from April to June 2022. The psychometric analyses demonstrated reliability and validity based on the internal structure and the relationship with satisfactory external variables concerning the RWB and EWB factors of the SWBS. Validity evidence was shown for both factors (RWB, EWB) with adequate reliability ratings. However, the RWB factor, which was entirely replicated, demonstrated the best group differentiation and internal consistency. Although both factors showed validity, the RWB factor exhibited superior psychometric indices for validity, group discrimination, and reliability. Regarding psychedelics, the association with RWB and EWB demonstrates a U-shaped pattern, as participants who never use these substances typically exhibit higher RWB and EWB indices, succeeded by frequent users. This finding underscores the need for additional studies to further explore the intricate interplay between psychedelics and spiritual well-being.”

For more psychedelic news and research, visit the psychedelic health professional network homepage.


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