Startup Miraculix creates first rapid, mobile test kits for concentrations of MDMA, LSD, and Psilocybin

Lucid News write: "In a world’s first, German startup Miraculix has launched a simple and affordable assortment of at-home testing kits for assessing the potency of various psychoactive drugs. Called QTests, they provide rapid analysis mobile kits designed to measure concentrations of MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin. 

While currently a host of drug testing “reagent” products are available on the market to provide qualitative data on desired substances — typically used to reveal the presence of misrepresented substances or potentially harmful adulterants — Miraculix’s kit is the first to offer quantitative rapid results within 10 to 30 minutes. It’s a significant innovation, considering many of the substances people desire to test are illegal and, of course, are not subject to standards and guidelines that adhere to consistent dosing. It’s a pervasive problem. Active ingredients in psychedelic compounds vary wildly, which makes the accurate gauging of potency both costly and time-consuming." 

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