Reduced death anxiety as a mediator of the relationship between acute subjective effects of psychedelics and improved subjective well-being
The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that some of the benefits of psychedelic-induced mystical experiences on subjective well-being may emerge due to reductions in death anxiety.
Psilocybin mushrooms for psychological and existential distress: Treatment for a patient with palliative lung cancer
This experience led to immediate, substantial, and sustained improvements in her distress and quality of life.
Facing death, returning to life: A qualitative analysis of MDMA-assisted therapy for anxiety associated with life-threatening illness
Participant narratives also showed a reconnection to life and greater emotional resilience in response to trauma and medical relapse.
Lysergic acid diethylamide-assisted therapy in patients with anxiety with and without a life-threatening illness A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II study
LSD produced long-lasting and notable reductions of anxiety and comorbid depression symptoms up to 16 weeks.
Comparison of psychedelic and near-death or other non-ordinary experiences in changing attitudes about death and dying
These data provide a detailed characterization and comparison of psychedelic occasioned and non-drug experiences that changed attitudes about death.
The therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances in hospice and palliative care
Development of meaning-creating psychotherapies and further research findings in psychedelic therapies may contribute to more compassionate and mindful care.