Call for evidence-based psychedelic integration
This article calls for scientific efforts to the development, examination, and evaluation of psychedelic integration models/methods ... and also briefly summarizes the current literature on psychedelic integration, provides a list of exemplary avenues that research on psychedelic integration might take, as well as anticipates and discusses the limitations and challenges of PI-focused research.
Back from the rabbit hole. Theoretical considerations and practical guidelines on psychedelic integration for mental health specialists
this article presents proposed comprehensive guidelines covering both theoretical and practical aspects of psychedelic integration, that are intended to serve as a resource for various mental health specialists
Psychedelic integration challenges: Participant experiences after a psilocybin truffle retreat in the Netherlands
We discuss the implications for psychedelic integration and harm reduction practices and for future psychedelic research.
The psychedelic integration scales: Tools for measuring psychedelic integration behaviors and experiences
In this study, we describe the development and initial validation of two psychometric scales for measuring psychedelic integration.
Psychedelics and psychotherapy: Cognitive-behavioral approaches as default
There are many sources from which psychedelic psychotherapy could draw, we argue that current gold-standard, evidence-based psychotherapeutic paradigms provide the best starting point.
What’s the best psychedelic therapy protocol? It’s debatable
What will psychedelic-assisted therapy look like when it becomes available? This is a hot debate within the psychedelics field.
“Meeting the medicine halfway”: Ayahuasca ceremony leaders’ perspectives on preparation and integration practices for participants
This qualitative study explored the perspectives of 15 ayahuasca ceremony leaders regarding preparation and integration practices they consider helpful for ensuring safe and productive experiences for ceremony participants.