

Tim Ferriss podcast with Dr Willoughby Britton — The hidden risks of meditation, overlaps with psychedelic risks, harm reduction strategies, how to choose a retreat, near-death experiences, and more

Tim Ferriss talks with Dr Willoughby Britton about her ground-breaking (and often unpopular) research highlighting potential dangers and worrying frequency of adverse effects associated with meditation practices (and similarly psychedelics).

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Emerging Research Emerging Research

Linkages between psychedelics and meditation in a population-based sample in the United States

There are neurophysiological and phenomenological overlaps between psychedelic and meditative states, but there is little evidence on how exposure to psychedelics might be associated with meditation-related variables. We assessed lifetime classic psychedelic use, ego dissolution during one's most intense experience using a classic psychedelic, and exposure to meditation in a representative sample (n = 953) of American adults.

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