Tim Ferriss podcast with Dr Willoughby Britton — The hidden risks of meditation, overlaps with psychedelic risks, harm reduction strategies, how to choose a retreat, near-death experiences, and more
Tim Ferriss talks with Dr Willoughby Britton about her ground-breaking (and often unpopular) research highlighting potential dangers and worrying frequency of adverse effects associated with meditation practices (and similarly psychedelics).
Longitudinal associations between psychedelic use and meditation practices in the United States and the United Kingdom
Psychedelic use might lead to greater engagement with meditation practices such as mindfulness meditation, while meditation practices such as loving-kindness or compassion medication might buffer against certain challenging experiences associated with psychedelic use.
PHP psychedelics & meditation retreat
This six-day, two-ceremony PHP retreat runs from Monday 16th to Saturday 21st October in the Netherlands.
Comparing neural correlates of consciousness: from psychedelics to hypnosis and meditation
Overall, these results extend our understanding of the mechanisms of action of ASC and highlight the importance of exploring how these effects can be leveraged in the treatment of psychiatric disorders.
Classic psychedelic use and current meditation practice
Classic psychedelic experiences may exert a positive effect on the cultivation and maintenance of health-related behaviors such as regular meditation practice.
Lasting increases in trait mindfulness after psilocybin correlate positively with the mystical-type experience in healthy individuals
We here show that lasting changes in trait mindfulness following psilocybin administration are positively associated with intensity of the mystical-type experience.
Psychedelics and mortality: A conversation with Roland Griffiths
Sam Harris speaks with Roland Griffiths about psychedelics and mortality.
What happens when Zen monks take mushrooms?
Exactly fifty years after the ban on psychedelics a group of Zen meditators – who have never used any psychedelic substances before – are given psilocybin on the last day of a 5-day retreat. Half the group receives a placebo.
Linkages between psychedelics and meditation in a population-based sample in the United States
There are neurophysiological and phenomenological overlaps between psychedelic and meditative states, but there is little evidence on how exposure to psychedelics might be associated with meditation-related variables. We assessed lifetime classic psychedelic use, ego dissolution during one's most intense experience using a classic psychedelic, and exposure to meditation in a representative sample (n = 953) of American adults.
Psychedelics and mindfulness: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Further methodologically robust research is needed to elucidate the relationship between psychedelics and mindfulness. However, Mindfulness and specific facets relating to acceptance have been shown to increase following ingestion of psychedelics in a number of studies.