Acute adverse effects of therapeutic doses of psilocybin: A systematic review and meta-analysis
In this meta-analysis, the acute adverse effect profile of therapeutic single-dose psilocybin appeared to be tolerable and resolved within 48 hours. However, future studies need to more actively evaluate the appropriate management of adverse effects.
Safety pharmacology of acute psilocybin administration in healthy participants
These findings suggest that a single administration of psilocybin is safe with regard to acute psychological and physical harm in healthy participants in a controlled research setting.
The therapeutic alliance between study participants and intervention facilitators is associated with acute effects and clinical outcomes in a psilocybin-assisted therapy trial for major depressive disorder
These findings highlight the importance of the therapeutic relationship in PAT. Future research should explore therapist and participant characteristics which maximize the therapeutic alliance and evaluate its relationship to treatment outcomes.
Effect of chemically synthesized psilocybin and psychedelic mushroom extract on molecular and metabolic profiles in mouse brain
In conclusion, our synaptic protein findings suggest that PME (mushroom extract) has a more potent and prolonged effect on synaptic plasticity than PSIL (synthesized psilocybin).
Will a court ruling push the DEA to reschedule psilocybin?
"The obvious gap in the palliative care toolbox is a tool for the relief of nonphysical suffering, and psilocybin is that tool." "It's really essential that everyone in patients' rights, hospice and the palliative care movement stand up and insist that it be available sooner rather than later."
Self-reported psychedelic retreat survey findings on participant benefits for depression & anxiety
This report is from a non-medical psychedelic retreat centre documenting participant responses to a series of surveys on continuing benefits for depression and anxiety symptoms.
Incannex announces positive topline results from phase 2 Psi-GAD1 clinical trial of psilocybin in generalised anxiety disorder
This is the first time psilocybin has been investigated for treatment of generalised anxiety disorder, and the reduction in HAM-A scores we have observed are far greater those reported from trials on established medicines for treatment of anxiety.
Social acceptability of psilocybin-assisted therapy for existential distress at the end of life: A population-based survey
The social acceptability of psilocybin-assisted therapy for existential distress at the end of life is rather high in Canada. These findings may contribute to efforts to mobilise resources and improve access to this emerging therapy in palliative and end of life care settings.
European Union funds groundbreaking research into psychedelic therapy
A European consortium of 19 partners has been awarded €6,5 million by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme to study psilocybin to treat psychological distress in people with progressive incurable illnesses requiring palliative care.
Single-dose synthetic psilocybin with psychotherapy for treatment-resistant bipolar type II major depressive episodes: A nonrandomized controlled trial
The findings in this open-label nonrandomized controlled trial suggest efficacy and safety of psilocybin with psychotherapy in BDII depression and supports further study of psychedelics in this population.
Assessing the risk of symptom worsening in psilocybin-assisted therapy for depression: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
The psilocybin arm showed a lower likelihood of symptom worsening versus waitlist, and no difference in the likelihood of symptom worsening versus escitalopram.
Quality brands emerge in the legacy mushroom market
I’ve had a chance to sample numerous legacy mushroom market products, ranging from psilocybin-infused chocolate to jerky to gummies to honey to water-soluble drink packets to liquor to marshmallows and more. In the spirit of harm reduction, education, and providing some context for the elusive and nebulous legacy mushroom market, I’ll review a few of the many branded products now floating around.
Repeated low doses of psilocybin increase resilience to stress, lower compulsive actions, and strengthen cortical connections to the paraventricular thalamic nucleus in rats
These results establish a well-validated regimen for further experiments probing the effects of repeated low doses of psilocybin. Results further substantiate anecdotal reports of the benefits of psilocybin microdosing as a therapeutic intervention, while pointing to a possible physiological mechanism.
Naturalistic psilocybin use is associated with persisting improvements in mental health and wellbeing: results from a prospective, longitudinal survey
Results from this study, the largest prospective survey of naturalistic psilocybin use to date, support the potential for psilocybin to produce lasting improvements in mental health symptoms and general wellbeing.
Co-use of MDMA with psilocybin/LSD may buffer against challenging experiences and enhance positive experiences
Findings suggest co-use of MDMA with psilocybin/LSD may buffer against some aspects of challenging experiences and enhance certain positive experiences.
Single-dose psilocybin treatment for major depressive disorder: A randomized clinical trial
Psilocybin treatment was associated with a clinically significant sustained reduction in depressive symptoms and functional disability, without serious adverse events.
HOPE: A pilot study of psilocybin enhanced group psychotherapy in patients with cancer
This pilot study demonstrated the safety, feasibility, and possible efficacy of psilocybin-assisted group therapy for cancer patients dealing with depressive symptoms. Based on demonstrated efficacy and significant reductions in therapist time, future investigations with the group therapy model are warranted.
Psilocybin-assisted therapy for depression: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of human studies
We conducted a systematic review and a dose-response meta-analysis to find the optimal dosage of psilocybin.