American psychiatrists' opinions about classic hallucinogens and their potential therapeutic applications: A 7-year follow-up survey
Our data reveal a striking positive shift in attitudes toward the therapeutic potential of hallucinogens among American psychiatrists since 2016, with a majority of responding psychiatrists planning to incorporate hallucinogen-assisted therapy into their practice if regulatory approval is granted.
Slouching towards engagement: interactions between people using psychedelics naturalistically and their healthcare providers
Our objective was to assess whether naturalistic psychedelic use occurs with clinical support, interactions between those using psychedelics and healthcare providers (psychiatrist, therapist, or primary physicians), and use characteristics.
The prescription of psychedelic therapies in Australia and New Zealand: A brief survey of psychiatrists
we suggest there is scope to develop up-to-date education about psychedelics for psychiatrists.
The readiness of psychiatrists to implement psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy
NHS psychiatrists are positive about the potential for psychedelic-assisted therapy to advance psychiatric practise.