Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy: Where is the psychotherapy research?
PAP is a highly unique and transdisciplinary intervention, and future research designs should consider transdisciplinary research methodologies to identify best practices and inform federal guidelines for PAP administration.
Must psilocybin always “assist psychotherapy”?
The statement that the drug is a catalyst for treatment, not a treatment in itself, is grounded in an odd dualism.
Introduction to the symposium on psychedelics and psychoanalysis: A conversation long overdue
The essay explores how neuroscience research on psychedelics suggests applications for psychotherapy
What’s the best psychedelic therapy protocol? It’s debatable
What will psychedelic-assisted therapy look like when it becomes available? This is a hot debate within the psychedelics field.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, ketamine, and combination treatment for depression: Impressions of credibility in participants with self-reported depressive symptoms
Additional research on individual differences in perceptions of ketamine and varied treatments for depression seems warranted.