The DMT experience: How to go about it, and what to expect
In this chatty DoubleBlind article, the author writes: "You can smoke changa, drink ayahuasca, or free-base or vaporizer DMT to have a DMT experience. But what are the pros and cons of each? In the course of the so-called psychedelic renaissance, one of the most exciting substances to be receiving some newfound attention is DMT, or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine. DMT is perhaps best known as the main psychoactive compound found in ayahuasca, a ceremonial brew consumed among numerous South American tribes. A DMT experience is liable to be one you won’t soon forget. Many who set out to have a DMT experience count it among some of their most life-changing moments. It isn’t all fun and games, however. The high intensity of having a DMT experience means there is room for things to go wrong. Feelings of anxiety and discomfort aren’t uncommon if you’re not properly prepared before you set out on your journey. But, by following a few best practices, you can do a lot to ensure you get the best DMT experience possible."
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