The psychedelic mushroom behind Christmas.
Lucid News write: "While the link between psychedelics and religion has been speculated and written about for decades, the theory is gaining even broader recognition as the psychedelic renaissance unfolds. This year, Brian Muraresku’s Immortality Key, an investigation into Christianity’s psychedelic roots, shot to the top of the bestseller list. Now that Christmas season is upon us, perhaps more people are ready to learn the real story behind the psychoactive fungi Christmas mascot that adorns suburban households across the country. Amanita Muscaria is one of the most visually recognizable species of fungi due to their vivid red caps with white buttons. The iconic mushroom has been popularized through illustrations, folklore, yard ornaments and gnomes, and is intertwined with celebratory Christmas traditions. A. muscaria played a role in pre-Christian winter rituals, and it may not be a coincidence that Santa Claus and his ensemble matches its memorable color scheme. In Central Asia, while collecting these mushrooms, shamans would wear specific garments while foraging for the mushrooms. These outfits were red with white fur and black boots, much like Santa Claus. After collecting these mushrooms in a Santa Claus-like sack, the Shaman would return to the village and enter a special yurt via the smoke hole at the top ... "