Ketamine for bipolar depression: Biochemical, psychotherapeutic, and psychedelic approaches
This article expands on the existing research by articulating three different paradigms for ketamine treatment: biochemical, psychotherapeutic, and psychedelic.
Positive psychology & psychedelics: possible synergies
MDMA-assisted approaches can turbo-charge savouring/compassion/gratitude positive affect treatments.
Psychedelics as preventive treatment in headache and chronic pain disorders
The effects of psychedelic drugs in headache and chronic pain disorders have been reported for several decades, and now controlled studies are emerging.
Serotonergic psychedelic treatment for obesity and eating disorders: potential expectations and caveats for emerging studies
Given the potential direct and indirect effects of psychedelic treatment on food intake, there is a lot of excitement for its use as a novel therapeutic.
Adverse experiences resulting in emergency medical treatment seeking following the use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
The results suggest that LSD is a relatively safe drug in recreational settings. Adverse reactions are typically short-lived, self-limiting and psychological in nature.
Psychedelic assisted therapy for major depressive disorder: Recent work and clinical directions
We conclude that combination psychedelic treatment and psychotherapy facilitate more enduring and profound antidepressant effects than produced by ketamine or psilocybin alone.
MDMA for the treatment of negative symptoms in schizophrenia
This review provides a rationale for the use of MDMA in the treatment of negative symptoms by reviewing the literature on negative symptoms, their treatment, MDMA, and MDMA-assisted therapy.
Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy — A systematic review of associated psychological interventions
The aim of this paper is to construct a picture of what models of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy are currently adopted in clinical research and to report on their clinical outcomes.
Systematic review of psychometric instruments used in research with psychedelics
This study aims to review which psychometric instruments are available to assess subjective states induced by psychedelics.
Ayahuasca and public health II: Health status in a large sample of ayahuasca-ceremony participants in the Netherlands
Our findings suggest that regular participation in ayahuasca ceremonies is not linked to relevant health harms.
Phenomenology and content of the inhaled N, N-dimethyltryptamine (N, N-DMT) experience
Understanding the phenomenology and content of the inhaled N, N, dimethyltryptamine (N, N-DMT) experience
The psychedelic integration scales: Tools for measuring psychedelic integration behaviors and experiences
In this study, we describe the development and initial validation of two psychometric scales for measuring psychedelic integration.
The emerging science of microdosing: A systematic review of research on low dose psychedelics (1955 – 2021) and recommendations for the field
We review data related to expectation and placebo effects, but argue that claims that microdosing effects are largely due to expectancy are premature and possibly wrong.
Psychedelics and psychotherapy: Cognitive-behavioral approaches as default
There are many sources from which psychedelic psychotherapy could draw, we argue that current gold-standard, evidence-based psychotherapeutic paradigms provide the best starting point.
LSD for anxiety and ketamine for behavioural addictions - 2 new drug company announcements
Early positive results released on LSD for anxiety and Ketamine for behavioural addictions.
Views on using psychoactive substances to self-manage functional neurological disorder: Online patient survey results
Further research exploring novel treatment options, such as psychedelics, in FND may be warranted.