Lysergic acid diethylamide-assisted therapy in patients with anxiety with and without a life-threatening illness A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II study
LSD produced long-lasting and notable reductions of anxiety and comorbid depression symptoms up to 16 weeks.
Psychedelic forum member preferences for carer experience and consumption behavior: Can “trip sitters” help inform psychedelic harm reduction services?
Psychedelic harm reduction services should consider how remote workers could be employed. There is a clear demand for remote psychedelic care services and to our knowledge this has not yet been explored.
Awe as a pathway to mental and physical health
We then apply this model to illuminate how experiences of awe that arise in nature, spirituality, music, collective movement, and psychedelics strengthen the mind and body.
Classic psychedelics and alcohol use disorders: A systematic review of human and animal studies
After selection, 27 studies were included. Human studies (n = 20) generally show promising data and seem to indicate that classic psychedelics could help reduce alcohol consumption.
Comparison of psychedelic and near-death or other non-ordinary experiences in changing attitudes about death and dying
These data provide a detailed characterization and comparison of psychedelic occasioned and non-drug experiences that changed attitudes about death.
Effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine–assisted therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: A review of the evidence, neurobiological plausibility, and clinical significance
There is strong neurobiological plausibility for the hypothesis that chronic SSRI use dampens response to MDMA-assisted therapy.
Percentage of heavy drinking days following psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy vs placebo in the treatment of adult patients with alcohol use disorder: A randomized clinical trial
Psilocybin administered in combination with psychotherapy produced robust decreases in percentage of heavy drinking days.
Naturalistic psychedelic use: A world apart from clinical care
Among 1,435 participants, 72.5% never discussed psychedelic use with their primary care provider (PCP).
Helpful or harmful? The therapeutic potential of medications with varying degrees of abuse liability in the treatment of substance use disorders
Both ketamine and psychedelics may be useful in alcohol, cocaine & opioid use disorders.
Inconsistencies between national drug policy and professional beliefs about psychoactive drugs among psychiatrists in the United States
These findings add to a growing consensus amongst experts that the current drug policy is not scientifically coherent.
Antidepressant effects of a psychedelic experience in a large prospective naturalistic sample
Relative to baseline, reductions in depressive symptoms were observed at 2 and 4 weeks.
The Watts Connectedness Scale: a new scale for measuring a sense of connectedness to self, others, and world
Here, we sought to develop a new scale to measure connectedness as a construct with these multiple domains.
Microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms: a double-blind placebo-controlled study
We conclude that expectation underlies at least some of the anecdotal benefits attributed to microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms.
Biden administration plans for legal psychedelic therapies within two years
President Joe Biden’s administration “anticipates” that regulators will approve MDMA and psilocybin within the next two years for for PTSD and depression, respectively.