Longitudinal and transcultural assessment of the relationship between hallucinogens, well-being, and post-traumatic growth during the COVID-19 pandemic
Users of hallucinogenic drugs had higher psychological well-being and lower scores on psychopathology scales, both at baseline and during follow-ups. This difference was larger when users were distinguished by frequency of use, as regular users scored higher on psychological well-being and lower on psychopathology scales.
Naturalistic psilocybin use is associated with persisting improvements in mental health and wellbeing: results from a prospective, longitudinal survey
Results from this study, the largest prospective survey of naturalistic psilocybin use to date, support the potential for psilocybin to produce lasting improvements in mental health symptoms and general wellbeing.
The Montreal model: an integrative biomedical-psychedelic approach to ketamine for severe treatment-resistant depression
Our integrative model aims to bridge the biomedical-psychedelic divide to offer a feasible, flexible, and standardized approach to ketamine for TRD. Our learnings from developing and implementing this psychedelic-inspired model for severe, real-world patients in two academic hospitals may offer valuable insights for the ongoing roll-out of a range of psychedelic therapies.
Heart risks, serotonin, and fen-phen: 5 questions for 5-HT receptor researcher Bryan Roth
All those (phase 3) studies have one or two doses of psilocybin. If I were a betting man, I would say there’s little chance that that type of dosing would be an issue, but we still need to do clinical trials. The big concern is with repeated dosing, and lots of people are doing that now with microdosing. That’s extraordinarily risky until the appropriate studies have been done.
Review of studies on the use of microdosing with hallucinogens that combine psychotherapeutic techniques with administrations of LSD, MDMA or Psilocybin ...
The purpose of this paper is to present a review of studies (double-blind, longitudinal, open, randomized and controlled trials [mostly with placebo]) on the use of microdosing with hallucinogens that combine psychotherapeutic techniques with administrations of LSD, MDMA or psilocybin.
“We don’t want to run before we walk”: the attitudes of Australian stakeholders towards using psychedelics for mental health conditions
Additional research and a clear presentation of this research are needed before the clinical use of psychedelics can be supported.
MDMA-assisted therapy for moderate to severe PTSD: a randomized, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial
These data suggest that MDMA-AT reduced PTSD symptoms and functional impairment in a diverse population with moderate to severe PTSD and was generally well tolerated." MAPS say that they now expect to submit a New Drug Application to the FDA later this year.
Potential analgesic effects of psychedelics on select chronic pain conditions: A survey study
The present paper presents the results of a survey study investigating their use and analgesic effects among individuals suffering from fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraine, tension-type headache and sciatica.
Psychedelic intimacy: Altered states of consciousness in romantic relationships
The unique pair bonding during shared psychedelic experiences could be utilized by psychedelic-assisted couple’s therapy.
Co-use of MDMA with psilocybin/LSD may buffer against challenging experiences and enhance positive experiences
Findings suggest co-use of MDMA with psilocybin/LSD may buffer against some aspects of challenging experiences and enhance certain positive experiences.
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy with adolescents suffering from PTSD: Do or don’t? a qualitative study with youth, parents, and clinicians
Our findings suggest that when provided with information on what MDMA-assisted psychotherapy entails, adolescents, parents, and clinicians are open to the idea of exploring this type of treatment for adolescents.
Single-dose psilocybin treatment for major depressive disorder: A randomized clinical trial
Psilocybin treatment was associated with a clinically significant sustained reduction in depressive symptoms and functional disability, without serious adverse events.
Improvement in OCD symptoms associated with serotoninergic psychedelics: a retrospective online survey
Our observations support the hypothesis of classic psychedelics efficacy in reducing OCD symptoms but a careful evaluation of the persistence of this effect is still needed.
Psychedelic use among psychiatric medication prescribers: Effects on well-being, depression, anxiety, and associations with patterns of use, reported harms, and transformative mental states
Given the current mental health crisis among health care providers, further research is warranted to examine whether interventions utilizing psychedelics could improve well-being and effectiveness of health care providers while decreasing adverse mental health outcomes associated with working in health care.
Ketamine for the treatment of major depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Our findings suggested that effect sizes for depression severity, as well as response and remission rates, were numerically greater for racemic ketamine than esketamine.
Hallucinogenic potential: a review of psychoplastogens for the treatment of opioid use disorder
This review will examine the preclinical and clinical evidence that psychoplastogens, such as ibogaine, ketamine, and classic psychedelics, may offer a unique, holistic alternative for the treatment of OUD.