- 4-Aco-DMT
- 5-HT2A
- 5-meo-dmt
- 5HT2A Receptor
- #50yearsoffailure
- Abuse
- Access
- Addiction
- Adolescent
- Adult Development
- Adverse Effects
- Adverse Experiences
- Advocacy
- Affective Disorders
- Age Factors
- Aged
- Agreeableness
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Abuse Disorder
- Alcohol Use Disorder
- Alcoholism
- Allergy
- Altered States Of Consciousness
- Altruism
- Alzheimers
- Amphetamines
- Analgesic
- Anorexia
- Antdepressants
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antidepressant Effect
- Antidepressants
- Anxiety
- Application
- Arketamine
- Arousal
- Arthritis
- Assessment
- Attachment
- Attitude
- Attitudes
- Australia
- Australian Government To Fund Psychedelic Trials
- Authenticity
- Autism
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Awe
- Ayahuasca
- Bad Trips
- Behavior Change
- Behavioural Addictions
- Belief
- Beliefs
- Ben Sessa
- Benefit Vs Risk
- Benefits
- Bill Wilson
- Biological Underpinnings
- Biophilia
- Bipolar
- Bipolar Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Bipolar II Disorder
- Blinding And Double Blinding
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Boris Johnson
- Brain Activity
- Brain Function
- Brain Health
- Brain Injury
- Burnout
- California
- Campaign
- Canada
- Cancer
- Cannabinoids For PTSD
- Cannabis
- Cannabis For Pain
- Cardiovascular Adverse Events
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Caregivers
- Carers
- Challenging Experiences
- Chaplaincy
- Child Abuse
- Christmas
- Chronic Pain
- Classic Psychedelics
- Classification
- Climate Change
- Clinical Guidelines
- Clinical Trials
- Cluster Headache
- Cluster Headaches
- Coconsumig
- Cognition
- Cognitive Function
- Colour Vision
- Combined Modality
- Common Factors
- Community
- Community Support For Psychedelics
- Comorbidity
- Comp360
- Comparative Reseach
- Comparative Study
- Compass Pathways
- Compassion
- Compassionate Use
- Conference
- Conferences
- Conflict Resolution
- Connectedness
- Connection
- Consciousness
- Cost
- Cost Effectiveness
- Cost-Benefit
- Counsellors
- Countries
- Couples
- Couples Therapy
- Covid 19
- Covid-distress
- Creativity
- Credibility
- Culture
- Cybin
- Dance
- Death & Dying
- Death Anxiety
- Decriminalisation
- Decriminilization
- Default Mode Network
- Dementia
- Depression
- Depression Treatment
- Depressive Disorder
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Diet
- Digital Therapy
- Dimethyltryptamine
- Disordered Eating
- Dissociation
- Dopamine
- Dose-Response
- Double Blind Magazine
- Drug Interactions
- Drug Mechanisms
- Drug Policy
- Drug Science
- Drugscience
- EAT-26
- Eating Disorders
- Ecology
- Ecopsychology
- Education
- Effectiveness
- Effectiveness Of Microdosing
- Efficacy
- Ego Death
- Ego Dissolution
- Emotion Regulation
- Emotional Intelligence
- Empathy
- End Of Life
- End-of-Life
- Entactogens
- Entheogens
- Entities
- Entourage Effect
- Environment
- Epidemiology
- Epistemology
- Equity
- Erowid
- Esketamine
- Ethics
- Ethnicity
- Europe
- Exercise
- Expectancy
- Expectancy Effect
- Expectancy Effects
- Expectations
- Experiential Avoidance
- Exposure
- Facilitation
- Fantastic Fungi
- Fantastic Fungi Documentary
- FDA Appeal
- FDA Approval
- Fear
- Festivals
- Fibromyalgia
- Fireside Project
- Follow-Up
- Follow-Up Studies
- Frontline Healthcare Workers
- Fund Raising
- Future Of Mental Health
- Game Theory
- Genetics
- Glutamate System
- Government And Psychedelics
- Group Therapy
- Guiding
- Guiding/Sitting
- Guilt
- Gut-brain Axis
- Hallucinations
- Hallucinogens
- Hallucinogens For Addiction Treatment
- Harm Reduction
- Headache
- Health
- Health Behavior
- Health Professionals
- Health Service
- History
- History Of Psychedelics
- Hospice
- Hypnosis
- Iboga
- Ibogaine
- Image
- Imaging
- Immune System
- In Vitro
- Indigenous
- Indigenous Populations
- Individual Response
- Inflammation
- Insight
- Integration
- Intention
- Interactions
- Interview
- Intimacy
- John Hopkins
- John Hopkins Psychedelic
- John Hopkins Story
- Joy
- Ketamine
- Ketamine For PTSD
- Ketanserin
- Language
- Law
- Legal Issues
- Legalisation
- Legalisation And Regulation
- Legalising Psilocybin
- Legislation
- Libido
- Licensing
- Life-threatening Illness
- Lifestyle
- Lifetime Use Of Psychedelics
- Linguistics
- Love
- Low-dose Psilocybin
- LSD Metabolism
- Magic Mushrooms
- Mainstream Media
- Major Depression
- Major Depressive Disorder
- Marijuana
- MDMA Assisted Therapy
- MDMA For Autism
- MDMA Therapy
- MDMA-assisted Therapy
- Measurement
- Mechanism Of Action
- Mechanisms Of Action
- Media
- Media Coverage Of Psychedelics
- Media Reporting
- Medical Cannabis
- Medical Cannabis Improves Quality Of Life
- Meditation
- Memory
- Menstrual Cycle
- Menstruation
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Issues
- Mental Illness
- Mental Robustness
- Mescaline
- Methodology
- Microdosing
- Microdosing Event
- Microdosing Vs Placebo
- Migraine
- Mindfulness
- Misuse Of Drugs Act
- Model For Psychedelic Use
- Modes Of Administration
- Mood Disorders
- Mortality
- Motivation
- MRI Scan
- Mushrooms
- Music
- Mystical Experience
- Mystical Experiences
- Narcissism
- Narrative
- Natural Language Processing
- Naturalistic Use Of Psychedelics
- Nature
- Natureconnection
- Near Death
- Near-death Experiences
- Netherlands
- Neural Plasticity
- Neurogenesis
- Neurology
- Neuronal Connections
- Neuroplasticity
- Neuroscience
- Neuroticism
- Nitrous Oxide
- Non-hallucinogenic
- Novel Psychoactive Drugs
- Ny Times
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Old Age
- Older Adults
- Olfactory Dysfunction
- Online
- Online Event
- Openness
- Opioid Abuse
- Opioid Use Disorder
- Options For Uk Drug Policy
- Oral
- Oregon
- Organisations
- Orientation
- Out Of Body
- Pain
- Palestinians And Israeli Conflict
- Palliative Care
- Pandemic
- Peace
- Personal Experience
- Personal Growth
- Personal Use
- Personality
- Personality Disorder
- Persuasion
- Phase 1 Trial
- Phase 3 Trial
- Philanthropy
- Philosophy
- Phobia
- Physical Health
- Pivotal Mental States
- Placebo
- Placebo Effect
- Plecebo
- Podcast
- Positive Emotions
- Positive Psychology
- Postnatal Depression
- Posttraumatic Growth
- Pragmatic Research
- Prediction
- Predictors Of Psychedelic Response
- Preferences
- Preparation
- Prescribing Psychedelics
- Prevalence
- Production
- Project21
- Prosociality
- Protective
- Psilocybin
- Psilocybin And Cognitive Function
- Psilocybin For Creativity
- Psilocybin For End Of Life Distress
- Psilocybin For Migraine
- Psilocybin For Suicidal Ideation
- Psilocybin For Training Purposes
- Psilocybin Microdosing
- Psilocybin Therapy
- Psilocybin Therapy Training
- Psychedelc Event
- Psychedelic Drugs
- Psychedelic Effects
- Psychedelic Experience
- Psychedelic Genetic Test Kit
- Psychedelic Harm Reduction
- Psychedelic Legalisation
- Psychedelic Mechanism Of Action
- Psychedelic Microdosing
- Psychedelic Policy
- Psychedelic Research
- Psychedelic Research Review
- Psychedelic Resurgence
- Psychedelic Retreats
- Psychedelic Support Service
- Psychedelic Technology
- Psychedelic Therapies For PTSD
- Psychedelic Therapy
- Psychedelic Therapy And Mindfulness
- Psychedelic Therapy Review
- Psychedelic Tolerance
- Psychedelic Trial
- Psychedelic Use
- Psychedelic Use And Clinical Support
- Psychedelic-assisted Therapy
- Psychedelics
- Psychedelics And Health Outcomes
- Psychedelics And Healthcare
- Psychedelics And Physical Health
- Psychedelics For Bipolar
- Psychedelics For Low Well Being
- Psychedelics For Mental Health
- Psychedelics For Peace Building
- Psychedelics For Substance Use Disorder
- Psychedelics For TBI
- Psychedelictherapy
- Psychiatric Treatment
- Psychiatrists
- Psychiatry
- PsychLight
- Psycho-oncology
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychodynamic
- Psychological Flexibility
- Psychological Insight
- Psychologists
- Psycholytic Therapy
- Psychophysics
- Psychosis
- Psychotherapy
- Qualitative Research
- Questionnaire
- Questionnaires
- Race
- Rats
- Reasons For Use
- Regulating Stimulants
- Rehabilitation
- Relapse Prevention
- Relationships
- Religion
- Research
- Research Centres
- Resilience
- Retreats
- Return Of Psychedelics
- Review
- Review Of Psychedelic Literature
- Rick Doblin
- Risk
- Roland Griffiths
- Ruminations
- Safety
- Safety Of MDMA
- Savouring
- Schizophrenia
- Sciatica
- Science_education
- Screening
- Self-compassion
- Self-Disclosure
- Self-Exploration
- Self-transcendence
- Semantic Analysis
- Serotonin
- Serotonin Syndrome
- Set & Setting
- Set And Setting
- Setting
- Sex
- Shame
- Smell
- Smoking
- Smoking Cessation
- Social Anxiety
- Social Effects Of Psychedelics
- Spiritual Well-being
- Spirituality
- SSRI Resistant
- SSRI's
- Strengths
- Stress
- Subjective Experience
- Sublingual
- Substance Misuse Treatment
- Substance Use Disorder
- Substance Use Disorders
- Substance Use Problem
- Suicidality
- Suicide
- Support
- Survey
- Sustained Benefits Of Ayahuasca Ceremonies
- Sustance Use Disorder
- Symposium
- Synaptic
- Synthesis
- Systematic Review
- Systematic Review Of Psilocybin
- Tea
- Technology In Psychedelics
- Telephone
- Terminal Illness
- Theoretical Neuroscience
- Therapeutic Alliance
- Therapists
- Therapsil
- Therapy
- Tim Ferriss
- Time Factors
- Toad
- Tolerance
- Touch
- Training
- Transform Drug Policy Foundation
- Trauma
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Treatment Resistance
- Treatment-Resistance
- Trip-stopper
- Truffles
- Twelve-step Programs
- UK
- United Kingdom
- United States
- User Attitudes
- Veterans
- Virtual Reality
- Vision
- Vision Amelioration
- VR
- War On Drugs
- Weight
- Wellbeing
- Wellness
- Women
- Women's Health
Practitioner perspectives on meditation-based preparation for psychedelic experiences
These results provide empirical groundwork for developing effective evidence-based meditation protocols for psychedelic preparation. They also highlight the importance of considering psychedelic users’ level of previous meditation experience in optimising such interventions.
Shrinking the know–do gap in psychedelic-assisted therapy
There is a push to shrink the anticipated 17-year research-to-practice gap for psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT), offering precarious hope to those with disabling mental health conditions.
Psychedelia's polarized views on RFK confirmation
Anyone hoping the psychedelic community would come together in cosmic oneness after the Great Lykos Schism of 2024 may be disappointed, as the confirmation of Robert F Kennedy Junior as Secretary of Health and Human Services last week provoked starkly-polarised reactions from the field.
Psychedelics and chronic pain: self-reported outcomes on changed substance use patterns and health following naturalistic psychedelic use
Perceptions of health outcomes following psychedelic use were broadly positive, and psilocybin was reported to be the most effective substance for both physical and mental health symptoms.
Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for methamphetamine use disorder: A pilot open-label safety and feasibility study
Psilocybin assisted psychotherapy for methamphetamine use disorder was feasible to implement in an outpatient setting, did not appear to generate safety concerns, and demonstrated signals of effectiveness warranting further investigation.
Psychedelic research recap January 2025
We only added 11 (January) studies to the database. More studies than ever are reviews, commentaries, and perspectives. Though they can provide a great introduction for a specific audience.
From relaxed beliefs under psychedelics (REBUS) to revised beliefs after psychedelics (REBAS)
Confidence in negative self-beliefs decreased following 25 mg psilocybin. Entropy and subjective effects under 25 mg psilocybin correlated with decreases in negative self-belief confidence (acutely and at 4-weeks). Particularly strong evidence was seen for a relationship between decreases in negative self-belief confidence and increases in well-being.
Oregon’s emerging psilocybin services workforce: A survey of the first legal psilocybin facilitators and their training programs
This study describes Oregon’s early psilocybin facilitator workforce and assesses state-approved training programs.
An overview of currently active psychedelic research trials
This overview seeks to map out drug discovery & development activity in psychedelics. Candidates currently undergoing clinical trials are presented first, while those that are at the discovery or preclinical stage are catalogued in the latter half of this page.
FDA OKs esketamine nasal spray monotherapy for resistant depression
The US FDA has approved a supplemental new drug application allowing esketamine nasal spray to be used as a standalone treatment in adults with major depressive disorder who have not responded adequately to at least two oral antidepressants.
American Journal of Bioethics, January edition
The January edition of the American Journal of Bioethics focuses just on psychedelics. There are a couple of editorials and then four 'target articles' with a further twenty six article commentaries.
Psilocybin-assisted group psychotherapy + mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) for frontline healthcare provider COVID-19 related depression and burnout: A randomized clinical trial
Group psilocybin-assisted therapy plus MBSR was associated with clinically significant improvement in depressive symptoms without serious adverse events and with greater reduction in symptoms than MBSR alone.
An examination of internal family systems interventions for trauma with implications for ethical psychedelic-assisted treatment
The body of IFS literature is extensive, enthusiastic, and thought-provoking. Outcome data for applying the model to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are limited.
Compass psychological support model for COMP360 psilocybin treatment of serious mental health conditions
The primary benefit of such a (Compass Pathways) framework is to support a safe and meaningful psilocybin experience. It also enables future research on the facets of psychological support and/or psychotherapy that most optimally complement psilocybin treatment.
Psychedelics in psychiatry: Oh, what a trip!
We are delighted to introduce this special issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry on psychedelics. This marks a moment of legitimacy for what was once considered a fringe, fledgling movement driven solely by a select group of zealously dedicated scientists and clinicians. In contrast to this early nascent period, the enthusiasm, interest, and pursuit of scientific and medical research on the psychiatric applications of psychedelic compounds has exploded in recent years, leading to the declaration of the current phase as a “renaissance” period for psychedelic research.
MDMA and MDMA-assisted therapy
After a course of MDMA-AT involving three MDMA administrations supported by psychotherapy, 67%–71% of individuals with PTSD no longer meet diagnostic criteria after MDMA-AT versus 32%–48% with placebo-assisted therapy, and effects endure at long-term follow-up ... This review further describes the putative neurobiological mechanisms of MDMA underlying its therapeutic effects, the clinical evidence of MDMA-AT, considerations at the level of public health and policy, and future research directions.
Question: "What is one psychedelics story you will be following in 2025?"
The Microdose asked a handful of journalists who closely follow and regularly report on the psychedelics beat to answer a few questions: 'What is one psychedelics story you will be following in 2025? Why?'
News just out ... the US FDA plans to respond to MAPS/Lykos MDMA licensing application on August 11th
The FDA has granted the application priority review and has assigned a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) target action date of August 11, 2024 to make the review determination.