UK parliament to discuss psilocybin rescheduling
A debate on ‘Psilocybin Access Rights’ will be heard in the House of Commons in mid-May.
Emerging challenges for psychedelic therapy
We aim to frame these psychedelic research challenges with 4 fundamental questions.
ECT vs ketamine for major depressive disorder: New data
This supports a recommendation for a trial of ketamine before a trial of ECT for patients with MDE, though this recommendation is limited by the small size and number of existing trials
Examining the rationale for studying psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of caregiver distress
PAP has the potential to comprehensively treat all biopsychosocial–spiritual dimensions of caregiver distress.
Safety of psychedelics for older adults assessed in new study
Reviewing clinical trials over roughly the last 30 years that examine psilocybin and MDMA-assisted therapies, the authors found almost no reports of serious adverse reactions in study participants, including in older adults.
Perspectives on the therapeutic potential of MDMA: A nation-wide exploratory survey among substance users
Overall, a majority of individuals reported a willingness to try MDMA-assisted therapy if it were determined to be an appropriate treatment for them (58.8%).
Assessment of psilocybin therapy for patients with cancer and major depression disorder
This study uses a potentially more efficient/cost-effective 1-to-1 (rather than the currently standard 2-to-1) therapist-to-patient ratio.
Psychedelic-induced mystical experiences: An interdisciplinary discussion and critique
Fruitful paths toward stronger theoretical and empirical approaches in the study of psychedelic-induced mystical experiences.
Acute mood-elevating properties of microdosed LSD in healthy volunteers: a home-administered randomised controlled trial
Daily questionnaires showed credible evidence (>99% posterior probability) of improved ratings of creativity, connectedness, energy, happiness, irritability, and wellness
Clinical practice guidelines for cannabis and cannabinoid-based medicines in the management of chronic pain and co-occurring conditions
Research typically demonstrates moderate benefit of CBM in chronic pain management.
Group format psychedelic-assisted therapy interventions: Observations and impressions from the HOPE trial
Suggestions are provided for protocol design, screening processes, space considerations, therapist team structure, group process, music, timeline, as well as potential issues and challenges.
Classic psychedelic use and current meditation practice
Classic psychedelic experiences may exert a positive effect on the cultivation and maintenance of health-related behaviors such as regular meditation practice.
Studying harms Is key to improving psychedelic-assisted therapy— Participants call for changes to research landscape
Psychedelic drugs have good safety profiles, but a recent systematic review concluded that adverse events in psychedelic trials are poorly defined and not systematically assessed.
Single-dose psilocybin for a treatment-resistant episode of major depression: Impact on patient-reported depression severity, anxiety, function, and quality of life
These results extend the primary findings from the largest randomised clinical trial of psilocybin for TRD to examine other outcomes that are of importance to patients.
Psilocybin-assisted therapy for major depressive disorder: An exploratory placebo-controlled, fixed-order trial
the acute and persisting clinical improvements observed following psilocybin support further study of its potential in the treatment of major depression.