

Emerging Research Emerging Research

Safety and early efficacy studies of psychedelic-assisted therapy for chronic pain in older adults (UG3/UH3 clinical trial required)

This NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity) invites applications to support a clinical trials network involving multiple institutions to collect safety and early efficacy data of psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) in defined groups of older adults living with specific chronic pain conditions.  This NOFO uses the UG3 / UH3 Exploratory/Developmental Phased Award Cooperative Agreement activity code. Applications must include a research plan describing both UG3 and UH3 phases.

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Emerging Research Emerging Research

Psychedelics and the ‘inner healer’: Myth or mechanism?

Inner healer scores were higher after the high versus placebo dose of psilocybin (t = 3.88, p < 0.001). Within the high-dose sub-sample only, inner healer scores predicted improved depressive symptomatology at 2 weeks post-dosing.  Conclusions: The principle of activating inner healing mechanisms via psychedelics is scientifically nascent; however, this study takes a positivist and pragmatic step forward, asking whether it warrants further examination.

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Emerging Research Emerging Research

Trauma under psychedelics: MDMA shows protective effects during the peritraumatic period

These novel findings suggest that the influence of MDMA during the TE may carry protective effects into the peritraumatic period, possibly mediated through the known effects of MDMA in reducing negative emotions and elevating prosociality. These protective effects in turn may mitigate the development of early psychopathology-related symptoms.

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Emerging Research Emerging Research

Psilocybin for dementia prevention? The potential role of psilocybin to alter mechanisms associated with major depression and neurodegenerative diseases

In this narrative review, we focus on the evidence base for the effects of psilocybin on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and microglial form and function; which may suggest that psilocybin has the potential to modulate multiple mechanisms of action, and may have implications in altering the progression from major depression to dementia in those at risk.

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