Case analysis of long-term negative psychological responses to psychedelics

The authors of this cautioning paper write: "Distilling the content of the interviews suggested the following potential causal factors: unsafe or complex environments during or surrounding the experience, unpleasant acute experiences (classic psychedelics), prior psychological vulnerabilities, high- or unknown drug quantities and young age. The current exploratory findings corroborate the reality of mental health iatrogenesis via psychedelic-use but due to design limitations and sample size, cannot be used to infer on its prevalence. Based on interview reports, we can infer a common, albeit multifaceted, causal mechanism, namely the combining of a pro-plasticity drug—that was often ‘over-dosed’—with adverse contextual conditions and/or special psychological vulnerability—either by young age or significant psychiatric history. Results should be interpreted with caution due to the small sample size and selective sample and study focus."

For more psychedelic news and research, visit the psychedelic health professional network homepage.


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