Acute adverse effects of therapeutic doses of psilocybin: A systematic review and meta-analysis
In this meta-analysis, the acute adverse effect profile of therapeutic single-dose psilocybin appeared to be tolerable and resolved within 48 hours. However, future studies need to more actively evaluate the appropriate management of adverse effects.
Childhood trauma, challenging experiences, and posttraumatic growth in ayahuasca use
These findings are important, as they may indicate that childhood trauma exposure does not pose the same risk for a poor treatment response to ayahuasca, as it predicts in other forms of intervention.
Safety pharmacology of acute psilocybin administration in healthy participants
These findings suggest that a single administration of psilocybin is safe with regard to acute psychological and physical harm in healthy participants in a controlled research setting.
Coming back together: A qualitative survey study of coping and support strategies used by people to cope with extended difficulties after the use of psychedelic drugs
These insights hold significant potential for designing therapeutic interventions and educational resources aimed at enhancing coping strategies for those experiencing extended difficulties after psychedelic use.
Trip-killers: a concerning practice associated with psychedelic drug use
We recommend that emergency physicians ask patients about trip-killers if psychedelic drug use is suspected. This conversation should occur promptly on arrival to hospital, and before any benzodiazepines or antipsychotics are prescribed
Tim Ferriss podcast with Dr Willoughby Britton — The hidden risks of meditation, overlaps with psychedelic risks, harm reduction strategies, how to choose a retreat, near-death experiences, and more
Tim Ferriss talks with Dr Willoughby Britton about her ground-breaking (and often unpopular) research highlighting potential dangers and worrying frequency of adverse effects associated with meditation practices (and similarly psychedelics).
The risk of chronic psychedelic and MDMA microdosing for valvular heart disease
We conclude that VHD is a potential risk with chronic psychedelic microdosing, but further studies are necessary to better define this risk.
Psychiatric risks for worsened mental health after psychedelic use
We infer that the presence of a personality disorder may represent an elevated risk for psychedelic use, and hypothesize that the importance of psychological support and good therapeutic alliance may be increased in this population.
Assessing the risk of symptom worsening in psilocybin-assisted therapy for depression: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
The psilocybin arm showed a lower likelihood of symptom worsening versus waitlist, and no difference in the likelihood of symptom worsening versus escitalopram.
History repeating: guidelines to address common problems in psychedelic science
We show how these problems threaten internal validity (treatment effects are due to factors unrelated to the treatment), external validity (lack of generalizability), construct validity (unclear working mechanism), or statistical conclusion validity (conclusions do not follow from the data and methods).
Case analysis of long-term negative psychological responses to psychedelics
Distilling the content of the interviews suggested the following potential causal factors: unsafe or complex environments during or surrounding the experience, unpleasant acute experiences (classic psychedelics), prior psychological vulnerabilities, high- or unknown drug quantities and young age.
Heart risks, serotonin, and fen-phen: 5 questions for 5-HT receptor researcher Bryan Roth
All those (phase 3) studies have one or two doses of psilocybin. If I were a betting man, I would say there’s little chance that that type of dosing would be an issue, but we still need to do clinical trials. The big concern is with repeated dosing, and lots of people are doing that now with microdosing. That’s extraordinarily risky until the appropriate studies have been done.
Associations between individual hallucinogens and hallucinogen misuse among U.S. Adults who recently initiated hallucinogen use
Hallucinogen dependence and abuse are DSM-IV diagnoses that are associated with significant morbidity, yet the specific hallucinogens that are most strongly linked to dependence and abuse are understudied.
The risk of chronic psychedelic and MDMA microdosing for valvular heart disease
There is some clinical evidence that chronic ingestion of full doses of MDMA is associated with VHD. We conclude that VHD is a potential risk with chronic psychedelic microdosing, but further studies are necessary to better define this risk.
Extended difficulties following the use of psychedelic drugs: A mixed methods study
The long-term adverse effects of psychedelic use, which can persist for weeks, months, or even years, is a significant but relatively unexplored area in psychedelic research.
Drug-drug interactions between classic psychedelics and psychoactive drugs: a systematic review
These studies provide insights into the interactions between classic psychedelics and a range of drugs, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, mood stabilisers, recreational drugs and others.
Extrapharmacological safety topics in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy
The increasing popularity of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP) has generated important discussions about the safety of psychedelic drugs.
Emerging challenges for psychedelic therapy
We aim to frame these psychedelic research challenges with 4 fundamental questions.
Safety of psychedelics for older adults assessed in new study
Reviewing clinical trials over roughly the last 30 years that examine psilocybin and MDMA-assisted therapies, the authors found almost no reports of serious adverse reactions in study participants, including in older adults.