Psychedelics & SSRI antidepressants: overlaps, interactions & safety
The excellent Blossom database provides a very useful service for those interested in emerging psychedelic research. One of their recent excellent offerings is their take on the top 10 papers looking at overlaps, interactions & safety of using psychedelics with or without SSRI antidepressants. Blossom writes: "Most of the published clinical research with psychedelics allude to SSRIs, specifically, that participants were tapered off SSRI treatment prior to participating in the trial. However, despite the fact that psychedelics are poised to be a paradigm shift in how we view and treat mental illness, the research specifically exploring the effects of psychedelics and conventional treatments like SSRIs remains scarce. Nonetheless, here we present the top ten available articles exploring psychedelics, serotonin and SSRIs."
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