Simultaneous cannabis and psychedelic use among festival and concert attendees in Colorado: characterizing enhancement and adverse reactions using mixed methods
Participants who reported lifetime co-use of cannabis and psychedelics (N = 63) were asked open-ended questions about their most recent simultaneous co-use experience.
Medicinal cannabis for treating post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression: real-world evidence
Conclusions Depression is common among individuals seeking CBMPs to treat PTSD and is associated with greater symptom severity and poorer quality of life. Effectiveness of CBMPs for treating PTSD does not appear to be impaired in people with comorbid depression.
Clinical practice guidelines for cannabis and cannabinoid-based medicines in the management of chronic pain and co-occurring conditions
Research typically demonstrates moderate benefit of CBM in chronic pain management.
Cannabis-induced oceanic boundlessness
Self-report data suggest that high doses of cannabis can create subjective effects comparable to those identified in trials of psilocybin