Psychedelics and the ‘inner healer’: Myth or mechanism?
Inner healer scores were higher after the high versus placebo dose of psilocybin (t = 3.88, p < 0.001). Within the high-dose sub-sample only, inner healer scores predicted improved depressive symptomatology at 2 weeks post-dosing. Conclusions: The principle of activating inner healing mechanisms via psychedelics is scientifically nascent; however, this study takes a positivist and pragmatic step forward, asking whether it warrants further examination.
Psychological flexibility as a mechanism of change in psilocybin-assisted therapy for major depression: results from an exploratory placebo-controlled trial
Increasing psychological flexibility may be an important putative mechanism of change in psilocybin-assisted therapy for MDD and potentially, other mental health conditions.
Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, psychedelic methodologies, and the impregnable value of the subjective—a new and evolving approach
We hypothesize that at subanesthetic doses, ketamine produces a unique spectrum of altered states, ranging from psychoactive to deep ego-dissolving experiences, that are intrinsic to ketamine’s therapeutic effects.
What predicts beneficial outcomes in psychedelic use? A quantitative content analysis of psychedelic health outcomes
Path analysis using structural equation modeling showed that psychological insight, not metaphysical beliefs, uniquely predicted beneficial outcomes. Moreover, beneficial outcomes’ positive relation to ego dissolution and therapeutic intent was fully mediated by psychological insight.
Psychedelics may reopen locked learning opportunities
This research suggests that psychedelics “are the master key for unlocking lots of different critical periods.”
Unlocking the self: Can microdosing psychedelics make one feel more authentic?
We propose that feeling and behaving authentically could have a central role in explaining the positive effects of microdosing on health and wellbeing that are reported by current research.
Psychedelics reopen the social reward learning critical period
Notably, the time course of critical period reopening is proportional to the duration of acute subjective effects reported in humans.
Pharmacological, neural, and psychological mechanisms underlying psychedelics: A critical review
This paper provides a critical review of several possible mechanisms at different levels of analysis underlying the effects and therapeutic potential of psychedelics.
From Relaxed Beliefs Under Psychedelics (REBUS) to Revised Beliefs After Psychedelics (REBAS): Preliminary development of the Relaxed Beliefs Questionnaire (REB-Q).
We report the first empirical evidence that the relaxation and revision of negative self-belief confidence mediates positive psychological outcomes.
Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy — A systematic review of associated psychological interventions
The aim of this paper is to construct a picture of what models of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy are currently adopted in clinical research and to report on their clinical outcomes.