Childhood trauma, challenging experiences, and posttraumatic growth in ayahuasca use
These findings are important, as they may indicate that childhood trauma exposure does not pose the same risk for a poor treatment response to ayahuasca, as it predicts in other forms of intervention.
Ayahuasca-induced personal death experiences: prevalence, characteristics, and impact on attitudes toward death, life, and the environment
The study’s findings highlight the prevalence, safety and potency of death experiences that occur during ayahuasca ceremonies, marking them as possible mechanisms for psychedelics’ long-term salutatory effects in non-clinical populations.
Insights, life changes and lifestyle changes reported by individuals consuming ayahuasca in naturalistic settings: Nature, frequency and associations with mental health and wellbeing
Insights and subsequent life and lifestyle changes appear to have a central role in the transformative effects reported by individuals consuming ayahuasca, with these occurring across contexts of use and demographic groups.
A systematic review on the therapeutic effects of ayahuasca
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic review where all the findings of therapeutic effects associated with the consumption of ayahuasca are reviewed.
Effects of ayahuasca on gratitude and relationships with nature: An open-label, naturalistic study
There was a significant increase in gratitude, nature relatedness, and nature appreciation at the one-week and one-month follow-ups compared to baseline.
Ayahuasca – a review of historical, pharmacological, and therapeutic aspects
Ayahuasca is a promising psychedelic agent that warrants greater empirical attention regarding its basic neurochemical mechanisms of action and its therapeutic uses.
Ayahuasca's therapeutic potential: What we know – and what not
Overall, evidence for depression and SUD is more consistent, with numerous and diverse studies.
Ayahuasca and public health II: Health status in a large sample of ayahuasca-ceremony participants in the Netherlands
Our findings suggest that regular participation in ayahuasca ceremonies is not linked to relevant health harms.
Ayahuasca and tobacco smoking cessation: results from an online survey in Brazil
Our results suggest that ayahuasca could be used as a potential tool for smoking cessation, and that effects may be mediated by mystical experience.
Administration of N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in psychedelic therapeutics and research and the study of endogenous DMT
This review examines the positive and negative aspects of different formulations and routes of administration of DMT
Persisting effects of ayahuasca on empathy, creative thinking, decentering, personality, and well-being.
This study explores Immediate and one-week psychological outcomes after an ayahuasca ceremony.
“Meeting the medicine halfway”: Ayahuasca ceremony leaders’ perspectives on preparation and integration practices for participants
This qualitative study explored the perspectives of 15 ayahuasca ceremony leaders regarding preparation and integration practices they consider helpful for ensuring safe and productive experiences for ceremony participants.
Ayahuasca may help to improve self-compassion and self-criticism capacities
The findings of this study suggest that ayahuasca promotes well-being and self-compassion.
Sub-acute and long-term effects of ayahuasca on mental health and well-being in healthy ceremony attendants: A replication study
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the psychedelic plant tea, ayahuasca, holds therapeutic potential. The present study aimed to replicate and extend these findings.
A comprehensive review of potential uses of ayahuasca in psychiatry
comprehensive review of potential uses of ayahuasca in psychiatry