Psilocybin mushrooms for psychological and existential distress: Treatment for a patient with palliative lung cancer
This experience led to immediate, substantial, and sustained improvements in her distress and quality of life.
Body mass index (BMI) does not predict responses to psilocybin
These findings have important implications for the standardization of a fixed therapeutic dose in psychedelic-assisted therapy.
Self-transcendent experiences as promoters of ecological wellbeing? Exploration of the evidence and hypotheses to be tested
We explore the emerging potential of a type of mental state known as self-transcendent experiences (STEs) as a driver of ecological wellbeing.
Dose-response relationships of LSD-induced subjective experiences in humans
Here we present the first meta-analysis establishing dose-response relationship estimates of the phenomenological states induced by LSD.
Ayahuasca's therapeutic potential: What we know – and what not
Overall, evidence for depression and SUD is more consistent, with numerous and diverse studies.
Introduction to the symposium on psychedelics and psychoanalysis: A conversation long overdue
The essay explores how neuroscience research on psychedelics suggests applications for psychotherapy
MDMA-assisted therapy is associated with a reduction in chronic pain among people with post-traumatic stress disorder
Chronic pain scores among medium and high pain subgroups were significantly lower following MDMA-AT.
Serotonergic antidepressant use is associated with weaker psilocybin effects
Serotonergic antidepressants appear to weaken psilocybin’s effects relative to a nonserotonergic antidepressant.
Single-dose psilocybin for a treatment-resistant episode of major depression
In ... participants with treatment-resistant depression, psilocybin at a single dose of 25 mg, but not 10 mg, reduced depression scores significantly ... over a period of 3 weeks.
Microdosing with psychedelics to self-medicate for ADHD symptoms in adults: A prospective naturalistic study
To conclude, the present study provides the first evidence that MD may have therapeutic value in adults diagnosed with ADHD or experiencing severe ADHD complaints.
Best practices for psychedelic-assisted therapy
How best to design psychedelic-assisted therapy treatments, from initial screening to post-treatment integration sessions.
Could psychedelic drugs have a role in the treatment of schizophrenia? Rationale and strategy for safe implementation
Careful research in this area could significantly impact the treatment of one of the most severe and socially debilitating psychiatric disorders.
Evidence for tolerance in psychedelic microdosing from the self-blinding microdose trial
These results suggest that microdosers may need to periodically suspend their microdosing routine to avoid tolerance.
The expanding scope of psychedelics as medicines
I want to give you a peek into the underside of the iceberg of psychedelic research. Let’s step away from the headlines, broaden our scope, and dive into the frontier of this field.
LSD and the importance of changes in the cerebral blood supply: from expanded states of consciousness to new therapeutic interventions
New research into the effects of psychedelics on brain blood flow.