

Emerging Research Emerging Research

Quality brands emerge in the legacy mushroom market

I’ve had a chance to sample numerous legacy mushroom market products, ranging from psilocybin-infused chocolate to jerky to gummies to honey to water-soluble drink packets to liquor to marshmallows and more. In the spirit of harm reduction, education, and providing some context for the elusive and nebulous legacy mushroom market, I’ll review a few of the many branded products now floating around.

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Emerging Research Emerging Research

Repeated low doses of psilocybin increase resilience to stress, lower compulsive actions, and strengthen cortical connections to the paraventricular thalamic nucleus in rats

These results establish a well-validated regimen for further experiments probing the effects of repeated low doses of psilocybin. Results further substantiate anecdotal reports of the benefits of psilocybin microdosing as a therapeutic intervention, while pointing to a possible physiological mechanism.

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Emerging Research Emerging Research

American psychiatrists' opinions about classic hallucinogens and their potential therapeutic applications: A 7-year follow-up survey

Our data reveal a striking positive shift in attitudes toward the therapeutic potential of hallucinogens among American psychiatrists since 2016, with a majority of responding psychiatrists planning to incorporate hallucinogen-assisted therapy into their practice if regulatory approval is granted.

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