Reports of self-compassion and affect regulation in psilocybin-assisted therapy for alcohol use disorder: An interpretive phenomenological analysis
This paper is a helpful spin-off of the large Bogenschutz et al AUD study. The abstract reads: "Objective: The primary aim of this qualitative study was to delineate psychological mechanisms of change in the first randomized controlled trial of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy to treat alcohol use disorder (AUD). Theories regarding psychological processes involved in psychedelic therapy remain underdeveloped. Method: Participants (N = 13) mostly identified as non-Hispanic and White, with approximately equal proportions of cisgender men and women. Participants engaged in semistructured interviews about their subjective experiences in the study. Questions probed the nature of participants’ drinking before and after the study as well as coping patterns in response to strong emotions, stress, and cravings for alcohol. Verbatim transcripts were coded using Dedoose software, and content was analyzed with interpretive phenomenological analysis. Results: Participants reported that the psilocybin treatment helped them process emotions related to painful past events and helped promote states of self-compassion, self-awareness, and feelings of interconnectedness. The acute states during the psilocybin sessions were described as laying the foundation for developing more self-compassionate regulation of negative affect. Participants also described newfound feelings of belonging and an improved quality of relationships following the treatment. Conclusion: Our results support the assertion that psilocybin increases the malleability of self-related processing, and diminishes shame-based and self-critical thought patterns while improving affect regulation and reducing alcohol cravings. These findings suggest that psychosocial treatments that integrate self-compassion training with psychedelic therapy may serve as a useful tool for enhancing psychological outcomes in the treatment of AUD."
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